Saturday, June 17, 2006 flying

i'm flying off tomorrowwwwwwwwwww. the first time in about six point five years. don't miss me.

officially completed my job, unofficially still attached to the company for a few more occasions... a few more days....

btw. the job's taken.

|hooxy|| 11:20 PM|


Saturday, June 10, 2006

oh yah. anyone looking for a 3-to-6mth-long job? doing payroll (HR Dept), initially quite interesting if you have not done it before, after which it may get monotonous. pay is minimum $6/hr. deadline is monday. immediate. could be taught by me. muahaha.

|hooxy|| 10:20 PM|


Friday, June 09, 2006 mad

it's not that i don't want to do that question thing dear wanxin. haha. but i'm getting real fed-up. over a student. (not the 10+ years-old student, but a 26 year-old one.) bleh.

i understand now what is the difference between others and myself, why i went to where i went. sometimes it's really fated and determined even before you were born.

patience. i really need it now.

|hooxy|| 12:22 PM|



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