Thursday, August 24, 2006
hahaha i'm feeling hyperrrr. and greedy. and sleepy. and lazy. haha. architecture is funnnnn. if u know what to do haha and what the tutor wants =P cos i like practical work, writing and drawing. =D
the studio is going to be my second home really haha. in there everytime i'm in school and not attending lectures/tutorials. reach there in the morning (usually late morning/early afternoon) and leave school at night (after 9pm when my lecture ends). =D
i need to buy a cashcard.
i have lousy short term memory.
don't think too much. focus on here and now. then perhaps u will feel better and worry less and enjoy more! =) (i need that too haha.)
11:49 PM|
Saturday, August 19, 2006
in architecture now! any juniors interested in going architecture@nus (yes it's the only uni in sg offering aki -.-) can come find me a few months later haha. i think it would really help to know a senior or two around in this foreign environment haha.
an exercise on the first day of lessons. draw lines and draw a space between two objects! haha stayed up to 2am on wed to complete my drawing =P the pen lines smudged a bit but at least it's presentable hehe. apparently some 1st years stayed overnight to complete the work o.o there're TWO hwachongians in my studio! (excluding me haha) didn't expect so many hc-ians =P
didn't really know a lot of people initially but after the first week, got to know my studio-mates, and some people from other studios through sharing sessions. =) it's exciting and the sense of accomplishment is really great!
the level coordinator (i think =P) said during the briefing before school started that we should not LOSE THE FIRE IN OUR BELLIES! i thought that was really motivating especially on seeing the designs (even your designs) realised in the physical world! a design= an idea carried out (physically, whether just on paper or 3d) according to some dictionary which i forgot haha. that, in my opinion, is the most exciting and satisfying thing out of architecture. u get the opportunity to influence people (whether consciously/subconsciously) through the environment they are in! muahaha.
every lost student out that should not lose the FIRE IN YOUR BELLY! haha it is essential to remember why you chose to be where u are! =) be optimistic and face each new day with an enthusiastic attitude =)
i'm going to the ZOO on monday! (it's a school project haha. measure the width of the zoo entrance blah blah blah and draw a floorplan, cross section, elevation and make a model later) it sounds fun! and i would face it with a learning and optimistic attitude! after all it's not often that u get the opportunity to go out during lesson times and have fun! =)
i like all my modules! haha (but tutorial hasn't started so it's a different story lol) there's history and theory of modern architecture which got me very excited over a book i bought today =P it's fascinating to learn the reasons influencing the changes in society and type of architecture produced! (there's this nice bookstore at bras basah with LOTS of graphic design and aki books! i couldn't bear to leave it lol. i want to buy all the books there! in maybe 50 years time haha =P) ideas and approaches in design is somewhat philosophical cos you wonder what is design, is it a neccessity/luxury, what is the purpose of a design? then there's sketching classes, design modules, and building structures (teaching physics haha. basically basics of how a building stands and blah blah haha)
i think i sound mad o.o must be because it's the weekend! =D and there's no project yet =P
shall go practise my lines haha =D
btw. remember me if u get a big plot of land in the future! haha =P
9:58 PM|
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
National DAY!
i was listening to a medley of national day theme songs over the past years from 1998 as compiled by FM93.3. i realise that i don't really know how to sing the 2004 song by Stefanie Sun: One United People. i suppose it's because 73 wasnt that enthu over national day that year haha =P 2005 seems to be a different occasion cos i somehow know the lyrics to that year's song. maybe we got more enthu haha.
i remember that i love singing the songs together with my friends and classmates during the nanyang days haha. we were all super high during the national day celebrations. the broadcasting of national day songs during the national day period before morning assembly always had our 'gang' humming and singing along.
i suddenly feel strongly on hearing all these national day songs. now i realise the importance of national day theme songs and the celebrations held for the occasion. as well as the pri 5 excursion to the national day preview. super super high.
moral of the crap: i want to go to the national day parade!
6:10 PM|